Portable Rock Art Blog

Picture of a rock that could have been modified by a Shaman.

Shamanism's Role in the Indengenous Tribe

Eugene Savchak

Shamanism is the belief by societies where there is one person who has ties to the spiritual world.

Shamanism's Role in the Indengenous Tribe

Eugene Savchak

Shamanism is the belief by societies where there is one person who has ties to the spiritual world.

A very cool, dark rock showing angry man and staircases upon a mountain.

Behind the Majestic Rock Art Most People Blindl...

Eugene Savchak

The indigenous people made these rocks for many reasons: spiritually, shamanistic magic, games, education, and personal enhancement. Let's begin.

Behind the Majestic Rock Art Most People Blindl...

Eugene Savchak

The indigenous people made these rocks for many reasons: spiritually, shamanistic magic, games, education, and personal enhancement. Let's begin.

Uncovering the Most Popular Games of Pre-Historic Times

Uncovering the Most Popular Games of Pre-Histor...

Eugene Savchak

This particular rock has a layer of chalk on top of it. Within the chalk area appears to be characters drawn as human, animals, and fantasy creatures. The cave man had...

Uncovering the Most Popular Games of Pre-Histor...

Eugene Savchak

This particular rock has a layer of chalk on top of it. Within the chalk area appears to be characters drawn as human, animals, and fantasy creatures. The cave man had...

This image is of a dirty rock that needs to be cleaning to bring out the artwork.

Cleaning Quartz Portable Rock Art to Remove Dir...

Eugene Savchak

When I find a Quartz with Portable Rock Art paintings, I do not have to do much cleaning...

Cleaning Quartz Portable Rock Art to Remove Dir...

Eugene Savchak

When I find a Quartz with Portable Rock Art paintings, I do not have to do much cleaning...

This is an image of many rock art pieces sitting together to give an example.

Finding Portable Rock Art

Eugene Savchak

Finding Portable Rock Art (PRA) is fascinating to me because I never know what I will find next.

Finding Portable Rock Art

Eugene Savchak

Finding Portable Rock Art (PRA) is fascinating to me because I never know what I will find next.

From a distance you'll see images resembling something like a family portrait. Or you may see soethings different, but at a distance.

What Attributes are Present in the STAR Count?

Eugene Savchak

The star count is shown at the beginning of the product page in the first paragraph as 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star. The number of stars indicates the number of attributes present in the...

What Attributes are Present in the STAR Count?

Eugene Savchak

The star count is shown at the beginning of the product page in the first paragraph as 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star. The number of stars indicates the number of attributes present in the...