Uncovering the Most Popular Games of Pre-Historic Times
From what I see in the rocks, the pre-historic humans were much more intelligent than we've been taught. Experts say the paintings, sculptures, and carvings on rocks communicated directions, and warnings, taught right from wrong to children, and used for shamanistic magic. They could have also been used to play games. Games! I have found one such game they may have played. The way this works seems kind of magical to me. I'll try to explain.
For example, I'm going to use the sedimentary rock featured to explain what I've found.
This particular rock has a layer of chalk on top of it. Within the chalk area appears to be characters drawn as human, animals, and fantasy creatures. The cave man had imagination too! The chalk can transform colors and characters. Three colors appear on the example: Orange, brown and grey.
Now, if I touch a small area in the chalk areas, often a new image and/or color appears overwriting the previous. It can also change other areas on the rock. Sometimes just the color changes. Other times a new character is drawn and over-written.
I took some pictures of this sedimentary rock in time intervals showing changes over time and touching the chalk after each photo.
In the gallery zoom in on the chalk layer. Pay close attention to what you're looking at. Then move to the next image to view the small differences. This may take you going back and forth between images. The changes are minor but changes, nonetheless. I think this is some kind of magic, but if anyone can explain, please leave a comment.
If you recognize portable rock art, then keep looking around to find this type of rock and try it out yourself.